Sunday, March 19, 2006


What's crackin, Homies.

A rainy day in Alabamer.. I love it.

Man, I sure do love the Lord. I keep getting hooked up with some crazy cool blessings. Over the past few weeks, I've suddenly found a ton of new friends that live right in my little corner of town. The cool thing is that they all seem to accept me with no strings attached. That's rad. I'm praying that God will use me to lead them to salvation. I want all of em saved - every last one of em. I wonder if they have any clue that there is this crazy dude praying for their very souls. Stay tuned, Myspace Dudebros, because I really believe that I'm soon going to write posts about these pals of mine meeting Jesus. I want my new little baby church packed with bums, druggies, and messed up people (like me) that have discovered a new life walkin with my incredible God. Wait and see. God has his eye on Five Points and I'm ready and available to be a part of what He has planned. He offers living water that fills and satisfies. Woahhhh.

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