Sunday, January 23, 2011


There we were. Colorful lights darting around the dark room. The musicians grooving all over the stage and bobbing like buoys in the sea. Surrounded by my middle school friends, I’m in my perfect comfort zone. It’s one of the few places on earth I can truly be myself.

Head and shoulders above the rest, my fist pumping the air, I couldn’t seem to push out of my mind some stuff that’s troubled me lately. Try as I might, my own carnality sought to condemn me. You know that feeling. It’s this gritty pest that eats away at your joy. It’s this persistent whisper that reminds you of your evil past or present sin.

The first few songs during the worship sets at our youth group are always exciting and energetic. My kiddos goof off and get silly. They tug my ears, pull the cords on my hoodie until I look like Kenny, and laugh hysterically as I trump their middle school wackiness with even greater and wilder craziness.

We were in just such a typical place this morning. Having a blast and stoked to be together at church.

Then something changed.

It often does towards the last song. A new song starts that’s a little slower and a bit more focused. I feel my heart strings pulled and that stirring in my spirit to worship Jesus directly, intimately, and personally. The kids around me calm down and catch the drift as we press into a place of worship.

As we stood this morning and hands around the room started lifting in worship, one of my guys just in front of me leaned back on me, his weight supported by my own and the back of his head resting on my chest. Just moments earlier, he was Mr. Silly - funny noises, stupid faces, the works.

The Lord spoke powerfully to me in that moment. With the burdens of the world on my shoulders and the stress of recent difficulties keeping the back of my neck in knots, my Savior invited me to just lean on His chest and rest. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” He says to you and me. As that fella rested his weight against me during the last worship song of the morning, I’m sure he felt completely safe and hadn’t a care in the world. The Lord reminded me that I can do the same with Him anytime I like. For just a little while, I closed my eyes and sorta rested my heart against the Lord. I finally let the drama and problems and stress and disappointments and guilt and anger fade from my mind. My shoulders relaxed. Then a deep breath. Shelter. Relief. Peace. The safety of His presence and the warmth of His embrace was enough.


Enough for what? Enough to silence the evil whispers. Enough to dispel the lies of the enemy. Enough to dust off my child-like faith from the shelf. Enough to remember how much I’m loved right where I’m at. Yes, enough.

If you’re haunted by something today, hear the invitation to lean upon the Lord with all of your weight. Not just your weight but the WEIGHTS that have been dragging you down. “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Stop thinking so much and allow His love to wash over you. Be a little kid in His presence. Let Him whisper in your ear. Notice as the baggage you’ve been dragging around vanishes. He’s your Daddy. He’s gotcha. He’s big enough. He’s strong enough. He’s close enough. He’s gotcha.

Just. Rest.