Saturday, April 11, 2009

*sniff sniff*

Catch the scene..
I’m surrounded by thousands of people. I’m singing. They’re singing. Worship is rising in a united roar. Hands are raised towards the sky. Tears. Laughter. Reflection of the cross. I’m soaked to the bone since I just walked a quarter mile in a hailstorm. Tomlin is wailing at the mike and leading the masses with joy. Several of my close friends are within an arms reach. Christ is exalted. We are overwhelmed.

And then it hits me..

As if a massive pause button is suddenly pressed by some magical finger, the whole scene comes to a sudden halt for just moment.

I smell something..

Yes, I smell something wonderful…

Literally! There’s a delicious aroma coming from some nearby grill and the mouthwatering scent brings an immediate growl to my stomach. A smile spreads across my face as my eyes halfway close. Mmmmm. A glance to my right returns a couple giggles as my friends also catch the whiff and notice my reaction.

And then it was gone.

It’s mind-boggling how different smells trigger such a broad range of emotions and reactions. Of the five senses, we maintain the sharpest memories from our sense of smell.

Anyways, a correlation was made in my mind as I stood there in my sopping wet clothes. The worship from thousands of people arose like a sweet smelling aroma to the very throne room of God. Over and over, we read that the physical sacrifices from the Children of Israel were sweet smelling aromas to the Lord. The very nation of Israel is referred to as a sweet aroma in Ezekial 20.

But this is where it all leads to…

“And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” – Eph 5:2

Yes, it’s true that my sacrifice of worship is a sweet aroma to the Lord. Yes, it’s true that God’s people are a sweet aroma to Him. But the best smell that was ever sniffed in the history of the universe was the death of Jesus for the redemption of the world.

I never really thought of it like that until tonight but I think it’s true.

It sounds kinda morbid at first, doesn’t it? Look a little deeper though. It was God’s plan before He ever laid the foundations of the world that He would sacrifice Himself to save a broken hopeless people. As Jesus literally became sin for us and took the full blow of the Father’s righteous wrath and indignation, the offering was ACCEPTED by the Father! It was a sweet sweet sweet smelling aroma as the law was fulfilled, sin was paid for once and for all, and the infinite chasm between God’s holiness and Man’s depravity was bridged.

Good Friday, indeed.

So here’s my exhortation to you: walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us. Just walk in love. Allow yourself to be a sweet smelling aroma to the Lord as the life of Christ lives in you. Anything less than that and you’ll just stink of your own selfishness. God is sniffing the air. What does He smell? Let’s allow the love of Jesus to bring a beautiful fragrance from our lives.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. Thinking about aromas.....many beautiful smells come to mind. The smell of your wet hair after a bath when you were still a baby....that is one of my favorites. It is beautiful that God gave use the privilage to enjoy smells, and remember them. I wonder what heaven will smell like.

    I Love you and miss you.
